Contributions to RAALP make a significant difference in our ongoing efforts to transform lives through enhanced literacy.
Your tax-deductible donation of any amount will help further the important work of our organization.
Federal Tax ID (EIN) # 46-0616148
Your tax-deductible donation of any amount will help further the important work of our organization.
Federal Tax ID (EIN) # 46-0616148
Ways to donate:
You can make a one-time donation for an immediate contribution or choose to become a 'Friend of Literacy' by setting up a recurring monthly donation. Additionally, we offer various other means of supporting our cause, which you can explore below.
One Time Donation - Donate Now
Your single contribution has a transformative impact on the life of an adult learner. Every contribution, no matter the amount, can make a significant difference in the lives of individuals seeking to improve their literacy skills, and by extension, in the overall well-being of our community. Your support will be greatly appreciated by those who benefit from our program.
Become a Friend of Literacy with a monthly donation.By contributing just $25 per month, you can proudly join the ranks of "Rio Arriba Adult Literacy Program's Friends of Literacy. Alternatively, consider a generous monthly gift of $50, $100, or $250 to ensure that our adult learners have access to the essential space and materials required for receiving tutoring support. Your recurring donation also plays a vital role in supporting the training and professional development of our volunteer tutors.
Additional ways to Donate
As a Gift
Honor someone special for their birthday, anniversary, or other occasion: Make a donation to RAALP, and we’ll send a hand-written note or personalized email that a gift has been made in honor or in memory of the person you designate. (We will not include the amount of the gift, unless you specifically ask us to do so).
Please email us and provide postal mailing address (or email address) of the person who should be notified of your donation, BEFORE you click the donation box above. |
Send a Check
Rio Arriba Adult Literacy Program
P.O. Box 1113 Española, N.M. 87532 In-Kind
In Your Will
When you shop at Smith's
Here’s a sample to share with your attorney:
I hereby give devise and bequeath to the Rio Arriba Adult Literacy Program, reachable at PO Box 1113, Espanola, NM 87532, Federal Tax ID (EIN) # 46-0616148 or its successors in interest, the sum of $________ (amount written out) exclusive of my lifetime donations, if any, for use in its most urgent priorities as determined by its board of directors in their sole discretion. Your attorney can change this to a percentage of your estate, rather than a fixed amount, if you prefer. |
Smith’s Inspiring Donations® makes donating easy. All you have to do is shop at Smith’s Food and Drug and swipe your Rewards Card!
Choose RAALP as by visiting this website: Smith’s Inspiring Donations Follow the instructions and enter RAALP's organization code: EE757 |