Become a Tutor
Invest in adult education!
Your commitment:
Tutors make a minimum commitment of two hours per week, for at least six months. Tutors will meet their student in a public location at a time convenient to the pair. Tutors specify the days and times of day that they are available; tutors can request what type of student they wish to work with (beginner or more advanced, etc.). Tutors should also count on time for weekly lesson preparation, filling out monthly tutor timesheets and quarterly student progress surveys, and attending occasional tutor “continuing education” sessions or social gatherings. Tutors are needed for weekday morning, weekday afternoon, evening, and weekend sessions. We match you with a student who is available when you’re available!
Tutor Training:
Literacy tutors take a free training provided by ProLiteracy.
After training in either Basic Literacy or English-as-a-Second-Language tutoring techniques, tutors are matched with an adult student. The student-tutor team maps out specific short- and long-term goals set by the student. RAALP provides books, learning materials, and on-going tutor support.
Literacy tutors take a free training provided by ProLiteracy.
After training in either Basic Literacy or English-as-a-Second-Language tutoring techniques, tutors are matched with an adult student. The student-tutor team maps out specific short- and long-term goals set by the student. RAALP provides books, learning materials, and on-going tutor support.
Tutor Support includes:
Your student’s goals might include:
Basic Literacy (BL) Program:
In our Basic Literacy program, tutors teach adult students the fundamentals of reading and writing. Literacy instruction involves all language components: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Using VAKT (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile) methods, and hands-on role-playing activities, you will learn effective strategies for teaching adults to acquire literacy skills. |
English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) Program:
In our English-as-a-Second-Language program, tutors work with adult students who are learning the fundamentals of speaking, reading and writing in English. English-as-a-Second-Language tutor instruction involves all language components: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Using VAKT (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile) methods, and hands-on role-playing activities, you will learn effective strategies for teaching spoken and written English to native speakers of other languages. It is NOT necessary to speak a foreign language in order to be an ESL tutor. |